A Sneak Peak in Dr. G’s Medicine Cabinet
(yup…I get the occasional backache and neck pain too….)
These are items that I actually use and this guide is intended to give you a sneak-peak into “Dr G’s” medicine cabinet. I have listed them in my order of preference when I need backache relief.
Although these products do indeed relieve back pain….it is always temporary. In the same way that an anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxant may help you feel better in the moment…but nothing really changes.
The reason why I will use one of these products instead of over-the-counter drugs is because in my personal experience, it achieves the same (or similar) result as an over-the-counter drug but I have never heard of any serious side effects from these products.
On the other hand, the Food and Drug Administration has warned that the over-the-counter drugs can create some nasty side-effects, including death when used chronically.
These products are pretty tame in comparison and will help ease the back pain and allow you to get through the night/day until you get some definitive care and correct the underlying problem.
Back and neck pain are ALWAYS “collateral-damage”….there is always a hidden “Primary Condition”, and if it remains uncorrected, things like back and neck pain will always come back. See your Chiropractor.If you don’t have one, call my office.